In case you host multiple websites inside the same account and one of them is hacked, it's likely that all of them will get hacked afterwards. There're various reasons why this may happen, the two most common are: using very weak passwords or using older scripts with well-known vulnerabilities. This way, a single compromised Internet site will do lots of damage to all your sites, as getting access to a single script generally allows hackers to access the whole Internet hosting account. This is the reason why we have developed a top-notch security option named JailHost. Once enabled, this option will literally lock a site inside its folder, so if an attacker takes over it, the remaining Internet sites in the account will remain hidden. Thus they will be protected from further intrusion. The JailHost option does not mean that you should not keep your Internet sites up to date, but it will significantly limit the damage.
JailHost in Shared Website Hosting
JailHost is available as a standard with all the shared website hosting packages that we provide and you can turn it on with only a mouse click inside your Hepsia Control Panel. Unlike other Control Panels where add-on domains keep their content within the main domain folder, every domain or subdomain in Hepsia has its very own folder, therefore using JailHost shall make a significant difference. You can select which sites will use the option and will be locked depending on your content since you may have some Internet site where you want to allow users or admins to access other folders in your website hosting account. Yet, this option will add a further level of security to your websites together with the firewalls which we use and even if any of your websites is hacked, you will be able to recover it quick and easy using any of the several daily backups of your entire account that we'll generate.