Hepsia is an advanced Internet hosting Control Panel designed by our computer programmers with the idea to make the management of everything related to your online presence really easy. In case you have no past experience, you will not have any problems, since Hepsia features a user-friendly interface and includes a lot of help articles and instructional videos. The Control Panel will enable you to do everything in a single location, without any need to employ different systems. You shall be able to renew or to upgrade your plan, to register and to manage domains, to set up e-mails, databases, .htaccess files or script-driven apps. You may also upload files and whole folders simply by dragging and dropping them. Right-click context menus will allow you to access additional features. You’ll feel as if you’re working on your home computer. Hepsia runs on its own servers, so in case you get a hosting server for your websites, the CP shall not take any system resources.